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A Needed Podcast
Grateful for this awesome source of information from a man that lives by example. Highly recommend this if you want to learn quick tips about health and fitness or if you want to be in a better mood.

Breath of Fresh Air
I’m a life long fan of Arnold and his amazing career, so I was super excited to come across this podcast. It does not disappoint! It captures everything great about him: focus on health/wellbeing, fact based and great sense of humor. Short and to the point, no fluff and doesn’t take itself too serious. Plus, focus on positivity, something we can all use more of in these trying times!!

Love this slice of encouragement
This podcast is a delight to listen to! It’s super short and offers a bit of encouragement and positivity to help us keep pushing forward whatever our dreams are.

First time listening to Arnold's Pump up Podcast
been a follower of this podcast since may/june when i was homeless in bullhead city AZ but today was my first time listening to his podcast, i love it!! it did make me feel a little more positive although it doesn't change my homeless problem it did make me feel more positive! hopefully one day i'll be able to Pull myself outta this Prison im confined in... 😞 Thank You Arnold You're one of the very few lights in this Darkness

Short, Sweet, and to the Point!
This really is the positive corner of the internet. I love that each episode is straightforward and to the point, and that Arnold cites research. It’s nice to hear something beneficial that doesn’t drone on and on or involve someone trying to win a popularity contest. It feels like Arnold is trying to share some information that will actually be helpful to me, without trying to keep me hooked on a long-winded show. It’s great. Very glad I subscribed! I also love being a part of his pump club. I feel as strong as ever!

Mindset changing, thanks to Arnold’s honest words
Admittedly I knew about Arnold from media but never learned about him as a person until the Netflix doc. His outlook and work ethic was refreshing and now his daily podcast/email is a part of my morning routine. Thanks Arnold, the wold needs more of this.

Breath of fresh air
This podcast has a mature, balanced perspective on health and by extension, culture. I love its brief length and down to earth advice. I read some reviews saying it is AI, not Arnold, which I find a little freaky, and don’t like. But I’ll keep listening for the reasonable and positive health and mindset advice.

Quick and useful
It’s hard to know why but I just trust Arnold and his recommendations are science based and also pass the ‘sniff test’ also. Short but packed / solid reasonable advice . Thank you Arnold.

Arnold is always filled with wisdom
Been watching and listening to Mr 7 Olympia for a long time not just on lifting but also on the wisdom of how to always look forward. He is like the next Joe Weider to me. When Arnold talks we listen. And I am studying to be a CPT so listening to Arnold is like a requirement and a blessing for me. Thank you.

It’s Arnold!!!
Arnold gives you what you’d expect…Himself. As always a voice you can trust. His genuineness is what keeps me wanting more Arnold!

Love podcast and be sure to listen to BE USEFUL
Love this podcast and the new book BE USEFUL is fabulous. I got the audio book and it great listening to AS. It’s like a personal coach.

Love it!
Thank you for creating a positive and informative corner of the internet. So interesting yto learn about latest on nutrition, emotional well-being and creative g a mindset of success, integrity, and growth.

To the point!
I really enjoy these podcasts! They are short, sweet and to the point. I find them positive and motivating to the point of sharing the links with others. Thank you Arnold and Crew!

Interesting & Informative
I love this podcast! It is full of great information, and each episode is short and to the point. There is no needless chatter here. You guys have helped me so much! Thank you, Arnold, Adam & Daniel 💪🏼

Pump to be Pumped!
To Pump or Not to Pump! Well one must always PUMP! As a veteran and a father this app gets to the point. My German friend Diter used to say that always “ Komm zum Punkt!” Arnold and his team does that! My youngest who is seven looks forward to every week with Arnold. I can not thank you enough and the show and your newsletter saves me. In every way possible. We will be at your book signing in NYC look for a tall 6’6” Army Veteran and his tiny spouse who support your endeavors since the 70’s! Keep on keeping on! Pump away!

Arnold’s pump club review
My day wouldn’t be complete without getting Arnold’s advice.. I want to learn from someone who has accomplished a lot.. and Arnold sure has!!

Great Podcast
I recently listened to this podcast episode, and I was truly inspired by Arnold's perspective on limits. His storytelling and insights make you rethink your own boundaries and encourage you to push beyond them. The revelation about the benefits of stretching was eye-opening. I highly recommend giving this episode a listen for a fresh perspective on unlocking your potential!

Arnold is a Treasure
...and this podcast is extremely effective at presenting important studies and science-based recommendations for overall health and wellness. Absolutely recommend.

Arnold is Back!
Arnold brings great information in a positive and honest way. Love it!

I love Arnold!
I am so happy to have stumbled upon the podcast. Arnold is a great inspiration and source of information. I will continue to listen for motivation, insights and ideas and just to hear him talk. Love you Arnold!

Great Information in bite-sized chunks!
I signed up for the email newsletter and then found this podcast. It’s short, sweet and to the point. Each episode is only about 5 minutes long. It’s the perfect way to set the tone for my day. No nonsense diet, exercise, health and motivational news. It doesn’t hurt that the man himself is narrating it! Come to the positive corner of the internet, you won’t regret it!

This is Excellent and Positive j
I finally found great and true facts presented in a positive way and I will listen to this Podcast Daily. Great Work 🙏 Barbara Matranga

Great motivation and wonderful heath information
I came across this pod cast and I absolutely love it. Thank you for helping us heal and be mindful about our overall health.

Beyond Pumping Iron
Pumping Iron was the most inspiring documentaries I have ever seen. I saw the hard work and dedication it takes to participate in this sport or rather lifetime choice. I lifted weights with a friend for about a year. At about five months I was amazed at how my body had changed. I could see the change in the mirror. Unfortunately, I moved away and did not continue with my bodybuilding. I was 25 yo then. Now, at 67 years I am starting again. I have purchased workout clothing, some gloves and a safety belt. I joined the YMCA which has a fantastic weight lifting room. I am listening to Arnold’s podcasts. The more I read about Arnold the more impressed I am with his depth of knowledge. Not just about the lifting science but also the nutrition side of things. I was blown away. I am now a dedicated student of the entire world of bodybuilding. Thank you, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The Ultimate Guide for Men AND WOMEN!! 💪🏽😍
Thank you for providing this highly informative podcast. Important information provided by a wise and highly experienced professional! Positive, to the point and it feels like I’m listening to my Tio give me advice that I have been seeking for! I have been incorporating strength training for a little over two years into my exercise routine (I have lost over 100 pounds!)and I have read so many books, articles online and the Encyclopedia of Body Building of course! I don’t give into the hype of fitness influencers, I look up to the old school body building pros(exercises that actually work), my Abuelo who traveled the world as a marathon runner and my dad who was a fan of strength training🏋️‍♀️ in the 80’s! As a woman, it’s hard to find fitness information when the goals I have are to lift heavy and gain strength, mobility and lean muscle(a strong toned body). Most articles I read and videos I watch focus on Pilates, body weight and easy 5 pound weight dumbbell exercise, that’s what they recommend for women.. nothing else! Arnold you always included a universal approach to fitness that can work for everybody 🙌🏽 I have been following your recommended plans in your Book “ The Encyclopedia of Body Building” and have seen/felt a positive drastic difference in my strength, appearance and energy levels! This podcast confirms the content I have been reading and expands on each subject. I recently discovered this podcast via your Instagram Post! I wish I would have known about it sooner 🥹 You inspire me to become stronger everyday by sharing your journey and wisdom. Mentally and physically strong! 💪🏽😎

Thanks Arnold!
As usual, Arnold inspires me to be better. These quick podcasts can help motivate your morning as you brush your teeth and conduct your morning routine. Highly recommend!

Wonderful Positivity!
This podcast is a welcome change to my typical feed of dumb videos. Arnold’s delivery is warm and welcoming. In the short time of each podcast, I feel more informed of the world and uplifted. I thought the newsletter was great on its own, but hearing Arnold is comforting and absolutely hits the goal of being a positive corner of the internet. Thanks, Arnold!

You are my motivator
After watching your documentary I started to follow you and subscribed to the pump club email Thank you for the positive messages. My morning starts with your email messages which sets a positive day. I try to go for a walk everyday but have not been consistent. I taught exercises for 15 years and with healthy eating habits. Since two years ago I started to loose interest and not motivated at all. I’ve gained 20lbs as a result. Trying to get back to my fitness habits with your helpful motivation. Thank you Arnold.

Short and Simple
I love this podcast. I binged the whole thing in two days. Dying for more episodes. I am so much more motivated, and active now. The daily episodes keep me drawn in!

Thank you Arnold
You're a wonderful person. I truly appreciate your voice and advice. It inspires me to keep pushing forward.