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Stay positive
Arnold’s podcast just shows how much time and effort he puts in for his mission , in combination with The Pump and his podcast helps me stay concentrated on my journey and most important stay positive . Thanks Arnold.

Thank you for your positive attitude
Too much of society is focused on the negative in the world. You are doing a great thing by reminding people that good exists and it can be used as motivation to make yourself better and the world around you better. The challenges are great motivation to be good and do good

Best Podcast out there!
I absolutely love this Podcast from Arnold’s Pump Club! It has great tips and ideas and it’s done in short podcasts which mean I actually listen to it. Plus it’s Arnold! I learn a lot about small changes I can make in my life to improve my overall health. The studies Adam and Daniel find and Arnold delivers are great information. I love this podcast and listen everyday! I’m sleeping more and walking more already!

Great podcast
Short sweet and to the point! Motivation at its best daily.

The motivation I need
There’s something about having The Terminator motivate you to get off yer bum, in an encouraging way. I’ve been tire and preoccupied lately. My Mum broke her hip on Friday and we’ve been dealing with all that entails. While the days have been busy, I love that this podcast is short and sweet, and the app’s workouts, as well. I push myself to make the time to do them. Thanks, Arnold.

What a time to get into fitness!
This is awesome, having Arnold coach us through fitness is truly a great privilege! There is so much knowledge he had gained throughout his career, and to share it all with us is making it exciting to get back on track. Arnold is reaching out on so many platforms to make positivity and change, there has never been a more exciting opportunity to take your health seriously. Thanks Arnold!

Thank You!
Thank you Arnold for putting together this great podcast. Love the short bite sized life lessons.

Love the positive corner of the internet. I enjoy listening and get some great actionable information.

Quick and useful
Love how useful and efficient this podcast is. Doesn’t waste your time and really has some great utility to it.

Great Podcast!
This podcast is amazing and i have learned so much.

This is the audio format of Arnold’s daily newsletter, which I’d already been reading but it’s very nice to have an audio option on days where I’m extra busy. I learn something new every single day listening/reading.

Morning motivation
This has quickly become my go to morning motivation podcast. The episodes are quick… and it’s Arnold! He gives short stories of people overcoming adversity, workout and training tips, and interesting health and wellness studies. Arnold and coffee are the way to start the day!

Pump you up daily
Great way to get your day started! Very informative and short and to the point

Great companion to the newsletter
I typically read Arnold’s newsletter first thing in the morning. Sometimes my attention is not all there and I find myself skimming it to move in to the next thing. I love this podcast because I can listen to several episodes at the end of the week and refresh my memory and fill in those gaps when I may have only skimmed a section before. The information is great and I find it useful and applicable. And you can’t beat the length. I love that it’s not an hour long with advertising filler. Thanks Arnold & Team.

Great Podcast
Hey Arnold and Team have done a great job. I been looking for years for motivation and insight on how to get better at working out and eating right. Thank you for everything….

Terminate Hate, Pump Up People
I look forward to reading Arnold’s email every morning. It’s full of great information and motivation to start my day. I only wish it would hit my inbox on Saturday and Sunday as well; but I know he’s not a cybernetic organism, and even the Terminator needs to rest. What’s also great is listening to this podcast and hearing the text from the email come to live in Arnold’s voice. It’s nice to put the phone down and just listen; and he even provides additional context and commentary not found in the email. I’m a huge fan of both, and a lifetime member of the Pump app! Thank you Arnold, for spreading love, sharing yourself with others, and giving us something positive to look forward to each morning!

Awesome and helpful!
Great informative snack bite info!

Great Motivation
A great way to start your day is to have the Terminator give great life advice to be the best version of yourself!

Love it!
Love hearing positive/helpful information from Arnold! Short and to the point. Thanks!

Arnold’s Pump Club
I always move Arnold’s pod to the top of my listening list. Great motivation source

If you are an Arnold fan this is a must!

Quick and informational
No better way to start the day than some quick wisdoms from Arnold. It’s interesting that it’s not like other podcasts (hours long). I love it!

Great content
A perfect addition to Arnold's newsletter. Nice to hear Arnold's “voice”. ;)

Best part of my morning
Insightful, motivating and informative. Few minutes every day to improve myself is the best way to start my day off. I love it!

The Perfect Start to My Morning
This podcast is how I start my mornings. Positive, motivating, and science backed, it’s everything I could want in a podcast.

Great show!
Thank you for putting out a show with concise and very actionable information. In a few minutes you not only motivate, but get straight to the point. Other shows try to do similar things, but do so over 1 to 2 hours!

Quick Informative Motivational Start to My Day
The podcasts are a quick review if the content that Arnold provides in his newsletter. I love listening to them because it’s a positive reminder of the little things I can be doing to try and improve that 1% every day.

Can’t stop- Won’t stop doing “it”!
Thank you so much to Arnold, Daniel and Adam for creating the newsletter and turning it into a surreal podcast that delivers kindness and motivation Monday-Friday. I look forward to this at the beginning and end of my week and the best part is you helped saved my husband and gave him back the motivation and willpower to live. Doing this has helped not only his livelihood but our marriage and we are coming to see you at the Arnold classic next year! The newsletter, podcast and your app have helped us live a more wholesome life and we will never stop pumping!

This is my first podcast #20 but it is so motivational, especially looking inward and finding our super power against hate and our own insecurities. Please keep it going!

I’m grateful for the motivation. This daily newsletter and podcast helps me to stay motivated and get a little bit better each day. Thank you Arnold 💪🏻💪🏻