I was a little hesitant when I put on the first episode and heard that the voice we are hearing was actually that of an AI voice model trained on Schwarzenegger’s real voice. The reason I pressed play was because I wanted to hear Arnold talk and it felt inauthentic to take this approach, for lack of a better word, because if it wasn’t actually him then why should I listen?
As I listened during the early days I could hear moments where the simulated voice made mistakes and lost the accent, but I kept listening because the episodes were short enough and I was interested in the information. And then something happened. I kept listening, more and more, everyday, and I’m almost caught up completely now.
As I kept listening I heard the kinds of personal stories, anecdotes, and insights that I had signed up for. Whether it was really Arnold speaking, or even writing the script for the show, I was getting what I wanted out of it and I don’t think those kinds if things could be there without his input.
Currently, I’m still listening everyday. Whether I’m at the gym, or in the car, the Pump Club has absolutely been a positive in my life. Of course there is a lot of great useful information on health, exercise, and nutrition that are worth my while, but the stuff about mindset, goals, attitude, ambition, and personal growth are just as valuable if not moreso.
Whether it’s Arnold or the Terminator reading the script on the other end, the familiarity of the voice helps get the message across and the message is worthwhile. So, thank you Arnold, Adam, and Daniel for helping me and so many others!