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Short and Simple
I love this podcast. I binged the whole thing in two days. Dying for more episodes. I am so much more motivated, and active now.

Pod Cast.
Thank you Arnold. Love this pod cast. It has changed my life. Thank you

A positive and helpful podcast for everyone!
No matter who you are, you likely will enjoy and benefit from this podcast. Thank you Arnold and Daniel and Adam for a podcast that I’ve been thoroughly enjoying.

Love this podcast!
Love how Arnold can give you so much information in 6 minutes or less. He gets to the point! He is the GOAT! 💖💖💖

Everyone needs to start the day with Arnold!
This podcast has been the best thing I have found for my family. My husband and I are catching up on past episodes and I’m sharing them with my kids every morning. The motivation and positivity they get from this podcast first thing in the morning sets the tone for their entire day and I’m already seeing positive changes. They are sharing it with their teammates and friends! I even put it on their grandmas phone because we wanted her to listen too. It’s a great start to the day or anytime you just need to hear something positive. And it takes less than 10 minutes. That is the most mind blowing part. He can change your entire day, usually in about 7 minutes. It’s absolutely the best and most useful podcast you will ever listen to.

How I start my day!!
Arnold’s podcast is the absolute best I have heard so far to both help and support fitness, health, and happiness! Great content, excellent time, and very impactful and relevant for everyone. No excuse to not subscribe, it will only help you!

No Nonsense Podcast
Arnold’s Pump Club podcast is a straightforward no nonsense podcast. Arnold and team give you logical and rational advice based in research and years of experience. There’s no charlatan sales pitches or guru mysticisms. No yelling, shouting or “alpha” toxicity. Just positive supportive straight talk and advice about how to increase your physical, mental and daily health. It’s presented in small precise doses that pays big dividends. Arnold doesn’t care what level or place you are in your fitness. All Arnold wants to do is provide positive support, advice and encouragement for everyone to live a healthy lifestyle. At whatever age or level. He truly just wants people to have a good life. A good life that has a foundation of good health. Arnold’s Pump Club is a fantastic place to start on that healthy foundation we all need.

Best Podcast Ever!
I’m not a big podcast guy as I’m always on the go and like to get right to the point. Arnold’s Pump Club is a fantastic podcast that only takes a few minutes to listen to on my drive into work and loads my mind up with valuable intel & helpful tips for my health & fitness journey, as well as success stories & motivation. His village truly has the “strength to lift up the world” and I’m proud to be a part of it!

Thank You!
I’m a 51 year old woman in Georgia. A few years ago after 2 unexpected tragedies, I fell apart. Then the pandemic happened and times have become incredibly challenging. I was on the verge of giving up. And then I came across Pump Club a few months ago. You and your team Arnold - just thank you for the tips and encouragement. The information and suggestions for doing just a bit better each day, each week is awesome! I just finished listening to your podcast on motivation and for the first time in several years, I have some hope for myself. It felt really good to experience that feeling again; even cried a little. Most of the people I had the deepest connection with are gone, a lot of others have given up on me. But this beautiful community helps me feel less alone, less hopeless and that I’m not just a failed human being. That’s a gift - I have no words to express my gratitude except thank you so very much. Please keep doing this podcast and newsletter.

My wife and I love you! :)
I just introduced my wife to your podcast and newsletter, and she is hooked. She smiled and called you “the digital Mr. Atlas”. I have always been a fan, as you were a huge influence on my life when I was an amateur bodybuilder in my 20s, but I think I am even more of a fan as your life journey has progressed. You’re one of our favorite people out there. Please keep doing all your amazing work.

Perfect way to start the day
I have always been an Arnold fan, but I’m really enjoying his transition into the older, wiser figure looking to impact the world through his positive message. It’s evident in the way he’s lived his life and the way he continues to live his life that he really does try to embody progress towards a better self, no matter the age or the obstacles. I both read his newsletter and listen to the podcast because they provide great information and an encouraging message. Everyone has about 5 minutes to learn something new, and that’s why this podcast has skyrocketed to one of my favorites and daily listens.

Take a break from the noise of the internet
I listen to this podcast for encouragement, to feel a part of something’s positive and for inspiration to be a healthier version of myself. Thank you for being authentic and leading this movement.

Thank you for the info
I want to thank you are notes for sharing your whole experience, strength, and wisdom very grateful and you made my day today.

Arnold is a national treasure - thank you for giving back
Love the no nonsense approach on a wide variety of topics. I can see myself re-listening to episodes to stay motivated with Arnold’s help. His voice alone makes me listen up and take action on his advice - authoritative and credible. I hope he stays with this gig for along time.

How Often?
I love this show. It says daily show, but it seems the frequency is dropping off with no explanation. Makes my day to hear Arnold, sad when no show is there! Hope they continue to be released.

Thank you!
This is such a positive podcast. I love it. It's only five minutes and I love that. It's so consistent and frequent. You really are creating a positive corner of the Internet, Arnold. Rock on.

Very inspirational!
I started following Arnold’s email newsletter a month ago and recently started to follow and listening to his post cast as well a week ago. I made a big change in my life’s habits over a year ago, adopting a very healthy diet and doing exercise regularly, so Arnold’s advices and tips have been great to make me improve even more my healthy and sports habits. I got to say that listening to the post cast is way much better that reading the emails, because his voice and tone is very inspiring… Thanks Arnold for giving us your time and experience to improve our lives!!

Email and now podcasts!
I’ve been reading APC‘s emails for a while now and finally decided to download the apple podcast app so I could listen to the podcast version. Not disappointed. Short and sweet little nuggets to help each of us be better humans. Thank you for providing a positive corner of the internet!

Arnold is a teacher. I learn from him everyday. Arnold’s podcast is a rare positive corner of the internet. Keep up the great work.

Arnold has been an inspiration since I met him in Venice in 1976. His superpower is to be able to see what is possible and to work towards making it happen. But unlike most people, he never stops and is continually evolving and contributing. The podcast and the daily Pump Club newsletter puts meaning to his words of wanting to help people and make a better world. Keep going Arnold!!!

Retired teacher
I love the quick to the point listen and I also appreciate the science behind the episodes Thank you for the positivity!!!

So glad you are in this World!
Long time Follower, first time reviewer! I’m so happy I found your Podcast!!! I remember back in the early 90s when you visited my elementary school in South Dakota and I had multiple patches sewn on my gym shorts for the Presidental fitness award! You encouraged me to go to the gym, start weightlifting, get better at public speaking, and to always give people the benefit of the doubt. And of course, stay positive! I can only imagine I’m one of the millions you have given confidence in trying new things and pushing to be better. You should have a competition where the winner gets to be on a podcast and have coffee with you. I’d definitely work my booty off to enter that and meet one of my heros. Anyways, I digress, I love catching up on your newsletter weekly but having it in Podcast form gives me a chance to catch all sessions while I walk the dog or water my plants and now, I can listen to Arnold talk positively about health and happiness. Thank you for being so great and existing. Please give Whiskey and Lulu scratches from me!🪴💪🏻☀️🫏

Great podcast
Thank you! Can you discuss the best way for men to lose waist fat? It’s a struggle!

Who knew?
Arnold is an uplifting, interesting, generous and intelligent podcaster. I can’t think of many greater ways to kick start your day. Thanks Arnold and team!

Quick, fun and interesting
Thanks for kick starting my day with knowledge and encouragement Arnold !

A great use of your time
I greatly appreciate the no fluff approach to the podcast. Respectful to all the listeners and a great listen. I love the positive approach. As a internal medicine MD I love how the research is reviewed and appreciate Adam’s healthy skepticism to boastful nutrition claims. Lets keep this village together as long as we can! Peace and love, God bless y’all

So uplifting!
This podcast is my equivalent to my daily coffee, the advice is so uplifting and knowledgeable. But I also love that it is not preachy and doesn’t try to sell products. Please keep creating! Thank you!

Arnie Voice of Reason!
Looking for a quiet but strong place of acceptance? This is your podcast. There are no diet or workout tricks in this life, only finding something realistic and sustainable to help you feel strong and confident. Caring for yourself is different for everyone and the words of guidance and wisdom from Arnold, Adam and David reach me Daily on the email and in this podcast for my strength training. No gimmicks just people who care about making strength training and living a good life accessible. Love all three of you! Arnie is the Voice of Reason!

Just perfect & yes, we need you as PRESIDENT!!
I absolutely love these short, well organized, researched episodes. Arnold is awesome! A dose of encouragement, advice, and wisdom!!!! Love!!!

Great Podcast
Short, to the point and informative. Most of us don’t have an hour to listen to studies about health. It’s a great way to start my morning. Thank you for being encouraging and inclusive to everyone no matter where they are on their health journey. Its so easy to do nothing if you aren’t “perfect”