Arnold's Pump Club

Beyond Pumping Iron

Pumping Iron was the most inspiring documentaries I have ever seen. I saw the hard work and dedication it takes to participate in this sport or rather lifetime choice.
I lifted weights with a friend for about a year. At about five months I was amazed at how my body had changed. I could see the change in the mirror. Unfortunately, I moved away and did not continue with my bodybuilding.
I was 25 yo then. Now, at 67 years I am starting again. I have purchased workout clothing, some gloves and a safety belt. I joined the YMCA which has a fantastic weight lifting room. I am listening to Arnold’s podcasts.
The more I read about Arnold the more impressed I am with his depth of knowledge. Not just about the lifting science but also the nutrition side of things. I was blown away.
I am now a dedicated student of the entire world of bodybuilding. Thank you, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Sept. 29, 2023 by Deep South Mike on Apple Podcasts

Arnold's Pump Club

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